Thursday, February 4, 2010

My train of thought has been delayed, not derailed.

its been a week; special thanks to "Daddy's princess" at work. She's on the rampage, angry about something, maybe they changed the type of feed they put in her trough.

Warning: unapologetic, yet necessary pedantry ahead.

How do you correct someone who is wrong? This happenes to me alot, not because I am usually right (uhhhhh), but because the person talking to me (Read: you.) has said something that is not true. Not like 2+2=5 not true, more along the lines of your mom's not a whore reapeating an urban myth and passing it off as true, like at a cocktail party and to a group of sheep receptive people no less. That just makes it worse. You know what I do....? Nothing, not anymore. I use to correct people on the spot. I also use to not any have friends, either. I changed when I realized I'm not getting paid to teach your dumb ass. Plus, I i tell you correctly, not only will you throw a drink in my face be turned off in playing spin the bottle Trival Pursuit with me, I then won't be able to kick you ass in it. Also, if it is a party so boring to the point that someone is watching Jeopardy, especially in the main room, then you will be armed with the power make women moist and win bets . I once won a bet to have a guy be my yard slave for a weekend on a question about the Emancipation Proclamation.
 I'll take Irony for 500, Alex.
 Knowledge is power and power is win!

Something for the masses: